
Friday, March 29, 2013

Arianna and Mary Catherine

About a week ago I had the joy of having two of my cousins over for a visit. They were only here about a couple hours and we managed to have a mini-shoot! Here are some of the pictures.

                                                         Providing smiles the entire time:)
Arianna bringing out the sass ;)
                                                        Thanks for coming on,
                                                            Clare McKenna

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Black and White Wednesday

I'm starting a new feature on my blog called Black and White Wednesday! So here is the first one..... This weeks theme is cousins!
Throwing flower petals
Car rides:)
Pucker up
So I hope you enjoyed these first round of photos check back next week for more!
                                                 Thanks for coming on,
                                                  Clare McKenna

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

My Aunt Christine's Birthday!

Ok, so my aunts birthday was around a month ago I'm REALLY late on this post I know but with my grandpa being in the hospital I didn't want to nag my dad to buy lightroom until everything was over with. Since we went to the Rainforest cafe and it was incredibly dark I needed to edit them.... Anyways, it was a really fun party and we took my cousins so that made it even more fun! My little cousin Annelise wanted to throw money into the alligator mouth and so I put my hand in the water and grabbed coins so many times so that she could throw them in the mouth of the alligator.... Not amazing but not terrible now for some pictures!
Cat and the alligator 

Chocolate Volcano 

Eating with hands....

Touching gorilla heads.
                                              Thanks for reading,
                                               Clare McKenna

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Funeral photoshoot

During the reception of my grandfathers funeral my cousins and I went outside for a photoshoot! It was really fun and some of the pictures turned out really well. The cousins that were in this shoot are Anne Marie, Mary Catherine, Arianna, and Annelise, Emily, and Joey:) There is alot because I couldn't narrow it down after many times of trying...Enjoy! Besure to comment and tell me your favorite.. I have a couple but I want to know what my readers think:) (i'll write their name in my favorite one of them)

It's a psych thing...

Also Psych....



Anne Marie

Mary Catherine