
Saturday, September 14, 2013

{cannon beach 2013}

YIKES! I haven't blogged in awhile! Its been a little too long. Just to catch up I just started high school
and it's way different than grade school. I have lots of quizzes and homework assignments ): 
The weekend before back-to-school I got to go to Cannon Beach, Oregon.
I haven't been there since Robert was around 2.....
My Uncle John and Aunt Patty renewed their vows on the beach. It was so gorgeous. 
Cannon Beach is just so peaceful. We had a great time despite that McKenna got threw up on the way down ):I got some cute pictures as well. I don't think I got one picture of me in
 Cannon beach though... Oh well ;)  
The Vatican, made by the extremely talented sand artist Blake... my cousin :)
Many faces of Mara #getwithit <<<<< I just hashtagged while blogging....

(From left) McKenna (2), Roman (2), Moraiya (5), Roderick (4), Kennedy (4), Liam (8), Elsie (5) Mara (2)
L.o.v.e the kitten

Grandma and Uncle John
Prita and Mara


Prita said...

Great pics, Clare!! :)

Unknown said...

I have nominated your blog for the Reader Appreciation Award! Here you are, listed on my blog! =>