
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hello there

This year for the class auction I was in charge of taking some pictures of all my classmates. It was difficult sometimes people don't want to cooperate. Lets say we took photos in about five different locations including my house! I got permission from a couple kids that were happy when I asked them if I could showcase my work on my blog (to do!) Today, it was my turn I had my little sister take some of me. It was odd I prefer behind the lens and not in front.. oh well.
Personally, I put the most soul in mine :-)
Thanks for reading,
Clare McKenna 

Monday, February 18, 2013


My family just got back from our cabin in eastern, WA. We did various activities baking cookies (sugar in case your wondering the same kind I baked last time), sledding, ice skating, rummikub, etc... Yesterday, I got the chance to have one hour in the town to take pictures of my siblings and my cousin, Arianna. It was crazy and hectic trying to get all these pictures they were in the silliest mood and my little brother wasn't really willing to cooperate (until we bribed him with new shoes:). Not only did Arianna get to come but my best friends family... four more kids. So think about it Bethany+Me+Elyse+Robert+Arianna+Sophia+Iain+Christian+Sarah= 9 very loud and noisy. No wonder the parents put us in the basement with video games and my endless movie supply.... Very fun times. I will upload pictures in a day or so but right now I just discovered an amazing show called "Psych" and I love it so much that im on episode one whole day.....
Get ready for the pictures!
Clare McKenna

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The day before

Tomorrow is my little sister, Elyse's birthday! She will be turning eight years old. This year she had a couple of "requests". First, she wanted to get eight pink roses from Buds and Bloom and have them delivered to our house. Secondly, she wanted to get a cake at Safeway, a Finding Nemo cake that is. Third, this girl wants to go on a shopping trip to the mall. I know a suprise she doesn't my dad got her Crush and Squirt stuffed animals from the Disney Store. While she was running some errands with my mom Robert and I decided to make a bunch of decorations. Oh yeah, that's right we got out paint, paper, scissors, and of course the camera. When we were home alone Robert told me he was scared so I belted out "My favorite things" and everything was fine. I even decided that I wanted to use her famous drawing of our cat and make it a painting! It was really weird having to scale back quite a bit but once she saw it shes exclaimed "Thats my drawing"! I think she was pretty shocked I would paint a cat because I'm not Chloe (our cat) biggest fan. Little does she know I'm about to go downstairs and paint the picture on one of her favorite shirts. And to top it off some nice pictures.....
Folks, thats all eight roses!

An original masterpiece! Artist? nah. 

Stamped hands 

Hugs, Kisses, and Hearts
Making this....... into a watercolor!
                                                Thats it for now!
                                              Clare McKenna

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fulcrum Foundation

Last week was Catholic Schools week! On Monday it was parents appreciation day, Tuesday was open house, Wednesday was teacher appreciation day, Thursday was student appreciation day, and Friday was "Special persons". Unfortunately, I couldn't do many fun activities on student appreciation day. During the week me and several class mates had to leave early for singing rehearsal at St. Joesph school in Seattle! We had to get out of school an hour early. We sang with the St. Joesph middle school choir and select students from St. Bernadette. The songs chosen were "We are the World" "We are singing for the Lord is Our Light" and "Go light your candle". Then on Friday, Febuary 1st 2013 we performed. This isn't some school talent show... there were oh I don't know about 1,300 people there! Overall, it was an amazing opportunity. Everyone sounded great thanks to the director, Mr. Boyle! Some pictures now... ok, so I forgot my camera in the car in downtown Seattle. I was kinda scared someone would break into the car and get my camera... Thank God that didn't happen!
97 kids!
Me in the front row!

Thanks Mrs. Jahns for the pictures!
Clare McKenna

Saturday, February 2, 2013


Iv'e been back from my weekend at the cabin for about a week . Let's just say I really grasp the idea behind "time flies". I spent a fair amount of my weekend skiing, playing in the snow, making cookies (which were apparently were the best and were gone by the next morning). My parents and sister developed a new fancy, Downton Abbey they are dedicated to watching the whole series.. they are watching it right now! I captured some of the loveliness on camera for you! And without further ado my weekend!

                                    Thanks for coming on,
        P.S. I have some new photography and blog features coming soon!